Tuesday, September 11, 2007

You Stink

Diablo: You smell like the vet.

Phoenix: Follow up visit.

Diablo: And?

Phoenix: I like her, Dr. Randall. A bit more gentle than that David guy in New York.

Diablo: Yeah, yeah, yeah... What about your blood work and urine?

Phoenix: You'll be happy to know my numbers are all within the normal range. My BUN also known as Urea Nitorgen, Creatinine and Phosphorus are well within the ranges. Very different from three weeks ago.

Diablo: Wow.

Phoenix: Wow is right. No more injections.

Diablo: How about sharing that KD diet with me?

Phoenix: I heard you need to lose a little weight. Vet actually said I needed to gain some.

Diablo: I've been starving ever since we left New York. Rumor has it we are due for shots next month.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear you are doing so well, Phoenix! That is terrific!!


Valerie Perez said...

Phoenix was going to respond and let you know it was no big deal. Then Diablo piped in and mentioned syringes and Phoenix retreated to under the bed. But yes, she is like new and acting like her old self. A blessed cat, indeed.