Thursday, September 06, 2007


Diablo: Smells the same. Home sweet Home!

Phoenix: You mean to tell me after all that we are right back where we started from?

Diablo: Appears that way. Ain't it great?

What was that all about?

Diablo: I don't know. Guess it was just about a vacation.

Phoenix: Let me see. Six days in a car. Shabby hotel rooms. Trying to use a litter box at 70 miles per hour. Tractor Trailer rumbling by. You hissing at me. Getting tossed to the back seat if I tried to get on the dashboard. Injections between the shoulder blades. Getting dragged out from underneath a bed by the scruff of the neck...or tail as was the case this morning.

Diablo: You know a lot of that could've been avoided.

Phoenix: Yeah, if we just stayed home in the first place.

Diablo: You know what I can't figure out?

Phoenix: What's that?

Diablo: All that traveling and not once did we stop at Cracker Barrel.

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