Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Still Alive

Diablo: That was stupid.

Phoenix: I have to keep her on her toes. After all, several times yesterday she stood in the doorway and almost dared us to jump outside.

Diablo: Yeah, but there is a huge difference between parked in a campground and speeding down the highway. She was driving when you weaseled your way into the cab. Major no-no. And then you freaked out meowing your head off.

Phoenix: She didn’t appreciate it when I jumped up on the dashboard in her line of vision.

Diablo: Hell, I didn’t appreciate it. She was in the middle of six lanes of traffic during rush hour in Raleigh. Were you trying to kill us?

Trying to get a better view.

Diablo: I thought you were the smart one.

I didn’t think she would ever pull over.

Diablo: I quit looking as I was hiding underneath the bed covers.

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